ACT-IAC Bylaws

The ACT-IAC governance structure involves two, integrally related structures - the American Council of Technology (ACT) and the Industry Advisory Council (IAC). 

The role of the ACT Executive Committee, composed of government employees, is to establish the organization's strategic priorities and ensure that ACT-IAC actvities are carried out with integrity and objectivity. The ACT Executive Committee does not have any operational, management or fiduciary responsibilities. The ACT bylaws delegates these responsibilities to the IAC Executive Committee and the ACT-IAC CEO.

The IAC Executive Committee is composed of elected and appointed individuals representing ACT-IAC member companies and is responsible for governing the activities of ACT-IAC in a manner that is consistent with the strategic direction set by the ACT Executive Committee. 

Further details about the roles and responsibilities for the governance structure of ACT-IAC can be explored in the ACT Bylaws and IAC Bylaws