Professional Development Digital Badges

For over 25 years ACT-IAC has provided some of the most highly esteemed Professional Development programs in the federal IT Community. Now as the alumni of these programs reaches close to 1,500 we are rolling out digital badging as a way for individuals selected to participate in these programs to highlight and recognize their achievements.

What is a Digital Badge?

A digital badge is a more granular way to recognize an individual’s achievements or acquisition of new skills than a degree or certification. Digital badges are gaining popularity in higher education and nonprofit associations as a way for individuals to draw attention to their community involvement and professional development investments. 

Who is permitted to use these badges?

Applicants to the ACT-IAC Professional Development programs are carefully vetted and chosen based on their ability to meet the established criteria of each program. Those selected to participate in the Professional Development classes are permitted to use these badges along with the graduating alumni.

What are the usage guidelines?

An individual may choose to use the digital badge on their personal website, in their social media profiles, and/or on their personal or work email signatures. Please note: the badges may not be altered or changed in anyway. 

Digital Badges Currently Offered


The ACT-IAC Associates badge is for individuals who have been accepted into the current Associates class. The Associates program is ACT-IAC’s leadership development program for emerging leaders and focuses on the introduction of leadership and the core skills needed for advancement as well as an introduction to the federal IT community.  The Associates program began in 2013 and has one 9 month program per year.



The ACT-IAC gAp badge is for alumni of the Associates Program. Graduates Associates Program (gAp) keeps alumni together across the program years.


The ACT-IAC Voyagers badge is for individuals who have been accepted into the current Voyagers class. The Voyagers program is ACT-IAC’s leadership development program for rising leaders and focuses on the development of leadership skills grounded in OPM’s Executive Core Qualifications and how it applies to leaders.  The Voyagers program began in 2005 and has one 9 month program per year.


The ACT-IAC Partners badge is for individuals who have been accepted into the current Partners class. The Partners program is ACT-IAC’s leadership development program for established leaders and focusing on OPM’s Executive Core Qualifications and how it applies across government challenges.  The Partners program began in 1997 and has one 9 month program per year.


The ACT-IAC Fellows badge is for graduating alumni of the Partners and Voyagers programs. The ACT-IAC Fellows community is comprised of over 1,200 individuals and is known as a network of trusted advisors capable of overcoming some of government’s toughest challenges.   


The ACT-IAC GLOW badge is for individuals who have been accepted into the Growth in Leadership for Women (GLOW) program.  The GLOW program started in 2021 and there are two cohorts in the four month program every year.



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