BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION: An On-going Series that explores opportunities for Federal private sector partnerships to accelerate time-to-value and mission outcome.
Hosted by Avi Bender, Managing Director of Bender Advisory Services LLC. Avi was formerly the Director of NTIS US Department of Commerce, the first CTO of the US Census Bureau, and the Director for Enterprise Architecture at the IRS
InnOvation News Article
Innovation & Federal Employees Employees of the Federal government have incredible opportunities to drive innovation because the government is a target rich environment for digital transformation. In Avi Bender’s experience leading the innovation lab at the US Census Bureau, he placed emphasis on collaboration and greater inclusion of agency employees as individual innovators in the business process of the agency. He recommends a collaborative approach that enlists feds from all business units to process innovate through discipline-specific interest groups. These interest groups (much like ACT-IAC’s Communities of Interest) provide content and business expertise from practitioners..