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ACT-IAC Talent COI April 2025

Thursday, April 03, 2025 - 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM EDT
Featured Topic: Building a Stronger Federal Workforce 

Join ACT-IAC’s Talent Community of Interest for a member meeting featuring former Federal CIO Suzette Kent on "Building a Stronger Federal Workforce in an Era of Cost-Cutting."
Dr. Sydney Heimbrock, Talent COI Industry Chair, will moderate the fireside chat with Suzette about the workforce implications of the Trump Administration’s efficiency and technology transformation goals.  How do we make sure the IT workforce has - and sustains - the skills needed to continue bringing technology innovations into government?  What does the introduction of AI into government operations mean for the technology workforce? 

With insights into this Administration’s thinking about technology and workforce, Suzette Kent offers a unique perspective on today’s rapidly changing Federal environment.
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United States